Public Relations

We have the experience, competence and connections to get the communications results you need.

Have a great story idea with the media but you’re not sure how to share the news with the broadest number of people? You’ve come to the right place – this area is Azzara Communications’ forte!

Azzara Communications’s strengths in public relations include:

Media Relationships

Existing relationships with reporters are extremely valuable and can be the difference between a press release falling on deaf ears and finding your story as the “feel good” feature on the evening news.

Azzara Communications’ digital rolodex is packed with long-lasting personal connections with media professionals throughout the region. Those relationships will help your business relay its story to the masses with the help of TV, print, web or radio journalists.


We start by discovering the news-worthy stories your company has to tell, and listening to how you’d like an audience to receive them. Together we’ll set goals for a public relations campaign and together we’ll achieve them. Along the way, if we notice that a certain tactic isn’t working, we’ll quickly pivot to another. At the end of the day, we want to help your small business earn media coverage instead of paying for it.

Audience Targeting

Experienced executives know that good press, or lack thereof, can make or break a company. In fact, studies show that decision-makers are five times more likely to be influenced by editorial copy than advertising. Strong media relations can help you secure positive stories that streamline the sales cycle or help get that crucial investment round closed. Get surpassed in the press by your competition and the results can be nothing less than disastrous.

Azzara pursues a wide range of focused activities to facilitate coverage of our clients. We proactively create opportunities to tell your story to target media when and where it matters most.

Let’s Get Started​

Call, send a text or email Azzara to start a conversation about how we can work together to improve your company’s public image through PR, social media and marketing.

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