Crisis Communications

Inevitably, something will threaten your business’s positive reputation. When that time comes, Azzara will help by developing a comprehensive strategy to manage the problem.

We’ll help you weather the storm, PR or otherwise.

Crisis Preparation

The best way to handle a crisis is to have a management plan in place. Azzara Communications will meet with your executive team to perform a risk assessment which will be used to inform a crisis communications plan. When an emergency strikes, you won’t be scrambling for answers.

Crisis Response

During a crisis, Azzara will be by your side, offering expert advice about what to do next, from issuing communication to stakeholder groups, briefing spokespeople and monitoring media and social media activity.

Post-Crisis Recovery

Post-crisis, Azzara will work with your team to discuss what went according to plan and what can be improved. Those findings will be used to prepare a post-crisis brand building program to restore your company’s reputation. We’ll also incorporate the lessons learned into your crisis plan, so you’re even more prepared when the challenge arises.

Let’s Get Started​

Call, send a text or email Azzara to start a conversation about how we can work together to improve your company’s public image through PR, social media and marketing.

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